Friday, January 14, 2011

Still here

Yes, we're still alive. We have neglected our blog duties since Sophia has been home. Sorry. We wanted to post some newer photos of her. She has been a total blessing. We love love her more then words can express. She is so smart, still sleeps all night and sometimes will take a nap. We're still working on potty training. Enjoy the photos, we have enjoyed taking them.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

Before Christmas Sophia learned all about Santa. She didn't want to have anything to do with him but she sure liked saying Ho! Ho! Ho!, non stop. She has since moved on. We really enjoyed our first Christmas as a family of three. It took so long to get to this point. For the past few years we just kept saying maybe next year. Next year finally came and we enjoyed every minute of it. She quickly learned how to open presents but she thought that's all there was. She didn't even relize there was a toy in them.

Enjoy the photos.

I think Mommy was driving.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A long awaited update

We wanted to update the blog with some pictures. It's hard to keep up with the blog with all the changes in our lives. Sophie is doing wonderful. It's so hard to believe that this is the same child that we visited at the baby house. She really shows us lots of affection now and is catching on so fast it's hard to keep up with her. She says so many words when we ask her to repeat them. She has a great memory. She seen Santa in the mall the other day and started to say HoHoHo while crying. She didn't want to have any parts of him other then taking a candy cane that he was handing her. She would only do that when Daddy was holding her too. We're not to sure if she will warm up to him enough this year to get a photo on his lap.

There has been so many things happen since we last updated I don't know were to begin. Sophie was baptized. She received her certificate of citizenship and her social security card just to mention a few. She also has been used as a pin cushion at the doctors office. On the first visit she had no clue what was coming but on the second she knew she would be getting shots (5 of them at once) and wasn't so happy about it.

We could not have asked for a better child that seems so molded for our lifestyle. Enjoy the photos and we will try harder to update the blog. We can't wait to see what Christmas brings.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Everything is GREAT. We are keeping busy.

If there is still anyone checking the blog, we would like to say we are sorry for not updating sooner. We have been pretty busy lately chasing a little one around. This sweet heart doesn't stop. She sleeps real good but when she is awake she is on the go. We still can get over that she is really home and no one is coming to take her back.

One of the Doctors at Melissa's work threw a "welcome home" & "belated birthday party" for Sophia. We had a great time. Sophia got her own little cake and was allowed to smash it to pieces. At first she wasn't to sure but once she got the taste of it she got serious and tore that thing up. She also got some cool gifts that she plays with regularly. Thanks everyone.

Last week Melissa went on a cruise with her Mom and friends. The trip was planned long before we knew we were getting Sophia. Daddy and Sophia took a plane down to New Orleans and had a great week visiting family and friends. It was tough flying with her because she was being a wiggle worm and wanted down but overall she did great. She adapts well to all situations that we have put her in so far.

Basically all we can say is that life is grand. Enjoy the pictures.

Sophia is always a happy little girl
Sophia with her Great-Grandparents from Daddy's side.

Sophia with Damien at his 13th birthday party.

Sophia with Alayna, It's hard to believe that Daddy has known Alanya since birth. She has grown up to be a wonderful young lady.
Sophia with two very sweet girls, Mary Rose and Jill Marie. Daughters of Jeff and Vicky.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A good and bad potty day.

We have to say that Sophia was just such a joy today. She has been so happy and laughs so much more then we remember. She really enjoys eating. She just cracks up and hasn't had any problems eating. Mommy had to work today so Daddy and Grammy spent the day running around and showing the princess off. She loves everyone. She is a little shy and tilts her head sideways when she meets someone but she warms up quick.

Last night we put Sophie to bed at 8:30 and she slept all night until 8:00. This just seems to easy.

After dinner today, I was thinking she might soon have a dirty diaper. I heard her making a grunting sound and quickly took her to her little potty chair. She sat on it for a few minutes and before we knew it she did #1 and a big #2. Sorry for the potty talk but it seems to be part of our new life. Who knew? When she was at the baby house they would sit the children on the potty chairs after a meal and I guess hope for the best. She must have known what to do when she was on it.

The funnest part of today was when Mommy was getting her bath ready. She took Sophia's clothes of and Mommy squatted to check the water temperature as Sophie was sitting on her leg. Next thing you know Mommy yells, "I think she is peeing on me". Well that is exactly what she was doing. It was a good laugh.

Sophia got to go to Wal-Mart for the first time today. We seldom go to Wal-Mart but when you need something in a hurry it's hard not to. BTW, have you ever looked at the web-site ? It is the funnest thing you have ever seen.

Sorry no pictures today. Just to busy.

A good and bad potty day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What a difference a day makes.

A "It's a girl" sign that Grammy put in the yard.

Last night we put a tired grumpy scared little angel to bed around 9:00pm. At 7:30am we had to wake her up to change a dirty diaper. It was Mommy's first and Daddy stood by for moral support. After the diaper change she seemed so happy and was a total joy to be with all day. She was playful, loving and just full of laughter. I think she knows she is with her forever family and loves it.

We thought we could hear some wheezing in her lungs this morning so we called the doctor. We ended up having to go the his office. Turned out that all she suffers from is really nervous parents as there was nothing wrong with her lungs or heart. She will have a full exam in a few weeks when she gets acclimated to her surroundings. Her weight today was 22.14 pounds. We thought she gained more then that. Maybe the scales in Kazakhstan were a little off.

Because of the doctors appointment she didn't get her nap and she was just fine until around 5:00 pm. We put her down for about an hour. When we got her up to eat she was still very tired. After dinner she got a bath. She LOVED it today. She was splashing and playing with her toys. This child has changed so much in just one day. Our old Sophie is back and we are loving every minute of it.